Videos » Videos of Peatlands-Historical
Historical videos includes flights over peatlands, like bogs and fens, providing a permanent record of their condition as of the date flown. Videos in this category can be used as a baseline for measuring climate change effects over time.
4th Machias Lake’s 1900 acres of wetland fens and bogs filmed in 4k. One of…
Bloomingdale Bog. Differences between Bogs and Fens explained. A NY bog highly impacted by roads,…
Pattered Peatlands in New York’s Adirondack Park. Filmed in 4k. Explains patterning, including hummocks and…
A tour of large open peatlands in NY’s Adirondack Park with a detailed description of…
NEW! Narrated. Documents flights over Spring Pond Bog, Massawepie Mire, and Bay Pond Bog in…
Documents a flight over the Bloomingdale Bog complex on 7/20/2016, showing the lowland conifer concentration…
Documents flights over Spring Pond Bog and Massawepie Mire in NY’s Adirondack Park, two of…
Part 1 includes bogs with names beginning a through g, filmed in 2011. These transects…
Part 2 includes bogs with names beginning with h through z, filmed in 2011. These…