A Walk into a Bog
August 12th, 2019

A walk into Barnum Pond Bog, from the treed canopy at the southern edge to the open sphagnum moss mat. Explores characteristics of peatlands (bogs and fens), including gradients of water, nutrients, woody plants, tree densities, and peat thickness. Filmed in 4k.

Ellen Jones
November 19, 2019 at 3:46 am

This is a wonderful video! However, I wish it had included the comment that it was filmed from a boardwalk. I would also recommend adding a warning not to step out on the peat mat, not just because you might get wet, but because you need to minimize impact on the environment, including the boreal birds that breed on Barnum Bog. The last thing we need to be doing is encouraging people to venture out on the bog mat, disturbing nesting birds and damaging all of those wonderful orchids and other plants highlighted in the video!

January 8, 2020 at 5:31 pm

Hi Ellen,

Excellent comment, Ellen! I will add your point to the video narration next time I re-edit it. And thank you for your contribution to the NFA. This is a 10 year project, as you can imagine, and support like yours makes us keep working. Ed McNeil


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