
NFA Landscape Type Videos illustrate best examples found within the Northern Forest. More Videos includes videos of our filming aircraft and unusual features within the Northern Forest such as impacts by man and beavers in Altered Wetlands and Beaver Chains. Videos of Peatlands-Historical include flights over bogs and peatlands, providing a permanent record of bog condition on dates flown, useful for observing climate change effects over time.

1080p video shooting began in 2007 and we now shoot 4K and 6K from our AirCam (specialized camera airplane) and 2 drones. We periodically replace some older footage.

Videos of Jerry Jenkins field courses are available under COURSES.

Important! Click the gear symbol in lower right corner of video to select highest resolution appropriate for your computer or device, up to 2160p (4K).

Bands of fens and treed levees formed over thousands of years since glaciers retreated at…
An Introduction to Primary Forests, narrated, showing Lowland Conifers, Northern Hardwoods, and Upland (Montane) Conifers…
A film describing the process of capturing 4k aerial video for the Atlas project.  Includes…
Montane Conifers, narrated, filmed in 4K during the spectacular 2016 peak fall colors.  Filmed from…
Lowland Conifers of the Northern Forest, narrated, filmed in 4K during the spectacular 2016 peak…
Northern Hardwoods of the Northern Forest, narrated, filmed in 4K filmed during peak fall colors…
Video explores the alpine and subalpine zones of the Adirondack High Peaks.  Narrated.  Filmed in…
Split Rock Wildway connects Lake Champlain with the Jay Mountain Wilderness, some 15 miles to…
Narrated introduction to the terms: wetlands, peatlands, bogs, fens, marshes, and swamps, including coniferous swamps…
Four barrens of New York State filmed in 4k by aircraft and drone, representing barren…
Donald J Leopold, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Environmental and Forest Biology at SUNY-ESF describes the…
New 4k video clips! Narrated.  Impacts of beaver dams and beaver pond chains on landscapes…

We encourage contributions and discussion, both of forest biology in general and our work in particular. Leave general comments here, and contact us here. Comment on products and articles at the end of their pages, and follow us on social media here.