Filmed in the classroom (with samples) and in the field. This 18 minute film explores…
Jerry Jenkins, White Creek, NY February 2023. I have been working at the VIC at…
Jerry Jenkins, White Creek, January 2023 A collection of 1,650 high resolution images, with descriptions,…
Jerry Jenkins, White Creek, N.Y. Moss Lesson 4 is a long lesson about 36 mosses…
Available for Download NOW! A collection of 1,650 high resolution images, with descriptions, diagnostic diagrams,…
Two large binned charts, one for acrocarps and one for pleurocarps, covering about 170 genera,…
Two annotated photomosaics and two ecological diagrams showing about 45 species of common mosses, lichens,…
Jerry Jenkins The central goal of the Atlas Project is to make tools—guides, charts, atlases—for…

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